#this is of course for the very secret project


help, Arafinwean stans, I need to know your headcanons for Edhellos.

Tolkien, in typical Tolkien fashion, gives us very close to nothing:

The wife of Angarato was named Eldalótë, and his son Artaher. … The names of Sindarin form by which they were usually called in later song and legend were Finrod, Angrod (with wife Edellos and son Arothir), Aegnor, and Galadriel. (PoME, 350).

And yet even that is quite delightful, because it makes Edhellos one of the few women who left Aman, and I am very very tired of pious wives remaining behind while their husbands and children did everything Tolkien bothered to write about. 

None of the children of Arafinwë have any named character ties among the Teleri (unless we’re going with the Teleporno version, which we are not).  This bothers me; from their names, Arafinwë’s linguistic choices, his young marriage and his apparently limited involvement in Noldorin politics I always imagined that the Arafinweans spent much of their time in Alqualondë and had, in some ways, closer social ties there than in Tirion. Certainly they shouldn’t have none

But it is hard to imagine a Telerin Edhellos would have left. (This may just be an outgrowth of my difficulty understanding how any of the Arafinweans were prepared to accept a ride on those ships). And I don’t think the name works as Telerin Quenya (?) So - Noldorin? Do they live in Tirion? If you use the version where Orodreth is their child, is he born in Valinor? 
